
About Steam Up

Steam Up aims specifically at the efficiency potential in steam systems. The project is designed to bridge the significant gap between promising audit results on the one hand, and implementation of cost-effective and easy to implement measures on the other.

Past efforts to assess this potential have failed, but the main obstacles are clearly identified:

  1. No obvious business case
  2. Insufficient technical expertise on energy efficiency through-out the chain
  3. No supporting organizational structure

Steam Up will address these barriers by:

  1. Building a business case on the basis of 75 in-depth steam audits that cover state of the art steam technology and expertise, include non-energy benefits and reduce the organizational costs by providing integrated solutions for implementation and reporting;
  2. A capacity building program that includes training and coaching-on-the-job of over 500 energy auditors, ESCOs, internal energy managers and energy management training providers;
  3. Change the behavior of decision makers in the enterprises towards incorporating energy efficiency in the management structure.